
Hand Feeding Instructions

Hand Feeding Instructions   Cockatiel babies from 20 to 55 days old.  Each feeding should be 6 to 10 cc (ml). Sun Conure babies from 22 to 82 days old.  Each feeding should be 7 to 12 cc (ml). Typically feed 3 times a day. …

Macaw Tips

Perch arrangement: Good solid perches should be positioned at both ends of the flight and directly in front of the nest box. The nest box perch gives the birds easy access to the nest. These perches should be hard wood making them difficult…

Sexing Cockatiels

Determining the sex of the young cockatiel is not always easy; it often consists of an educated guess. The males and females of the normal greys and cinnamons are identical when young. They show little or no yellow on the face and both have…

The Problem with Bird Mills

Know the Source of Your Bird to Avoid Life-Long Issues Most of us have seen the sad videos of puppy mills. Hundreds of wretched creatures huddle in too-small cages. Their only purpose in life is to breed, breed, breed with little regard for…

Lovebirds Can Be Lovable!

Time and time again I hear from disgruntled lovebird owners. They bought a hand-fed baby lovebird from a pet store and the bird bites, refuses to come out of the cage, and acts as if it is being murdered when you finally catch it. These experiences…

When a Bird Escapes

How to Prevent It - How Best to Find a Lost Bird There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when a pet bird suddenly takes off, flying into the wild blue yonder, while you watch helplessly from the ground below. The first time this happened…

Quinoa: A Nutritious Grain for Birds

Quinoa (pronounced "kee-nwa") is a South American grain that looks somewhat like millet, but has a lighter, more golden color. It was the favored grain of the Incas of Peru before the Conquistadors arrived in the 16th century. It was "re-discovered"…

Are you ready to buy a Parrot? (Test)

Use these numbers to find your Parrot-Parent Score: 0=not true at all; 1=sort of true; 2=true a lot of the time; 3=pretty much the case!; 4=you bet, absolutely positively true! 1. I really love birds/pets and could easily make a lifetime…

Children and Birds

One of the most common questions parents ask is, "When is my child old enough to take on the responsibility of having a bird as a pet?"    There are a number of things you should consider before purchasing a bird when you have young children…

Why Quarantine?

Over the past two decades aviculturists and pet bird owners have become increasingly aware of just how many deadly diseases can lurk in aviaries, bird marts, and pet shops. Thus, the concept of quarantine has become more important, even in homes…