Hand Feeding InstructionsĀ 

Cockatiel babies from 20 to 55 days old.Ā  Each feeding should be 6 to 10 cc (ml).
Sun Conure babies from 22 to 82 days old.Ā  Each feeding should be 7 to 12 cc (ml).

Typically feed 3 times a day.Ā  It can be 4 times a day or more often if you are feeding smaller quantities at each feeding.Ā  Crop should be totally empty at least once a day, usually when you feed in the morning.Ā  Keep a feeding log book, showing time fed, amount fed, crop condition and weight before and after each feeding. Ā Use a digital kitchen thermometer and check that the temperature is between 104 and 111 b ā€“ NOTE:Ā  By the time the baby gets it ā€¦ it should be less than 110 degrees F.

Mix two parts (tablespoons) water to one part (tablespoon) powder (Exact Hand feeding formula).
Do not feed additional water at any time; they get enough water in the mixed formula. Ā Important not to save any extra mix, once it is mixed with water it will be bad for the bird in less than one hour.

Temperature of feeding mix should be hot (not burning hot).Ā  A great tip is to place the small container that holds the formula in a larger bowl of hotter water; this will hold the temperature of the formula more consistently hot. Ā Reheating in the microwave oven for 3-5 seconds is another method but this can create hot spots.

Donā€™t panic if you think you are not feeding enough.Ā  You can always try feeding her/him again in two or three hours.Ā  Simply remember that when his crop is empty you should be attempting to feed your baby parrot again.Ā  Many people require several feedings to get good at hand feeding, just keep trying and make sure the temperature is correct.

Warning!Ā  It is possible to aspirate (put food in lungs) which will kill the baby bird.Ā  Make sure the baby bird is eating the food.Ā  Just put the formula inside the beak, do not shoot formula down the throat.

Remember, if baby is not interested in the formula it is probably not hot enough.Ā  This is the most common mistake.Ā  If you can put the hot formula inside your mouth at that temperature it is most likely not too hot for the bird.

Weaning:Ā  To teach babies to eat on their own, start this process when they do not stay in the box and require a cage to contain them because they begin flying.Ā  Put newspaper on the floor of the cage and place seed and pellets on this paper, put the baby bird where she/he can walk on top of the food.Ā  Begin by making sure a good quality pellet and seed mix is near them and water in a bowl near them.Ā  Then to create more interest in eating, you will skip feeding for a whole day, but still feed the late night feeding, just before turning out lights in the room.