
Macaw Tips

Perch arrangement: Good solid perches should be positioned at both ends of the flight and directly in front of the nest box. The nest box perch gives the birds easy access to the nest. These perches should be hard wood making them difficultā€¦

Welcome To Parrots

Welcome to the wonderful world of parrots. Okay, it may be wonderful, but itā€™s not utopia. Thereā€™s a lot to know and a lot to do in order to make a parrot happy and keep it healthy in the average home. This article gives you an overviewā€¦

Wing & Nail Clipping

Be Prepared with These Items: -Needle Nose Pliers -Sharp Scissors -Large Towel -Coagulant like Kwik-Stop or Others listed below -Your Bird -Confidence and TRAINING Wing Clipping: Though controversial, the risk of loosing a belovedā€¦


Frequently Asked Questions 1) How do you ship birds? We ship birds on the airlines. They are shipped in either wooden carriers or plastic pet kennels. They ride in a special climate controlled and pressurized compartment on the plane.ā€¦

Bird Training

Once upon a time when wild import birds were all that we had to choose from bird training consisted of teaching a few basic things like ā€œstepping upā€ onto your hand, or a perch without the bird biting and speech mimicry. Some would teachā€¦

Hand Feeding

Hand feeding is the process used by bird breeders to feed a baby bird before weaning in a manner that replaces the parent bird's regurgitation of food into the baby's crop. It allows us to createĀ a very tame and trainable bird because the babyā€¦

Hand Feeding Problems & Possible Solutions

Food not being digested This can be caused by improperly mixed food, lack of bacteria in the crop, food fed too hot or cold, yeast infections and the baby being kept too cool. Try feeding a small amount of baby applesauce and water. If thisā€¦

Nutrition & Treats

I purchased my first Amazon parrot 34 years ago from the previous owner in Tucson, Arizona.Ā  It was aĀ  Double Yellow Head Amazon, an adult that had been originally imported to the USA thru a quarantine station. As a child I'd had parakeetsā€¦

The New Baby

Bringing home your new baby parrot is very similar to bringing home a human baby. There really isn't anything difficult about the process but it has a tendency to make people nervous and apprehensive. What I would like to give you here is aā€¦

The "Up" Command

There is one thing you can train your parrot to do that will improve and help maintain your relationship, it is to step up on command.Ā  This can be done with a simple two word command, "Step up" or as I use with my birds, "UP".Ā  The commandā€¦