
Hand Feeding Instructions

Hand Feeding Instructions   Cockatiel babies from 20 to 55 days old.  Each feeding should be 6 to 10 cc (ml). Sun Conure babies from 22 to 82 days old.  Each feeding should be 7 to 12 cc (ml). Typically feed 3 times a day. …

Sexing Cockatiels

Determining the sex of the young cockatiel is not always easy; it often consists of an educated guess. The males and females of the normal greys and cinnamons are identical when young. They show little or no yellow on the face and both have…


Frequently Asked Questions 1) How do you ship birds? We ship birds on the airlines. They are shipped in either wooden carriers or plastic pet kennels. They ride in a special climate controlled and pressurized compartment on the plane.…

Hand Feeding

Hand feeding is the process used by bird breeders to feed a baby bird before weaning in a manner that replaces the parent bird's regurgitation of food into the baby's crop. It allows us to create a very tame and trainable bird because the baby…

Hand Feeding Problems & Possible Solutions

Food not being digested This can be caused by improperly mixed food, lack of bacteria in the crop, food fed too hot or cold, yeast infections and the baby being kept too cool. Try feeding a small amount of baby applesauce and water. If this…

The "Up" Command

There is one thing you can train your parrot to do that will improve and help maintain your relationship, it is to step up on command.  This can be done with a simple two word command, "Step up" or as I use with my birds, "UP".  The command…

Birds and Antibiotics

Many people fear antibiotics. They believe they are inherently "bad" for them and for their birds. This belief is unfortunately based on the misuse and abuse of antibiotics, and has nothing to do with their true value. Before antibiotics millions…

Lovebirds Can Be Lovable!

Time and time again I hear from disgruntled lovebird owners. They bought a hand-fed baby lovebird from a pet store and the bird bites, refuses to come out of the cage, and acts as if it is being murdered when you finally catch it. These experiences…

Protect Your Birds from Theft

The rise in popularity of exotic birds has led to an increase in popularity of another activity: theft of exotic birds. Some large breeders have been devastated by large-scale thefts by professionals. In some states, such as Florida, the increase…

Are you ready to buy a Parrot? (Test)

Use these numbers to find your Parrot-Parent Score: 0=not true at all; 1=sort of true; 2=true a lot of the time; 3=pretty much the case!; 4=you bet, absolutely positively true! 1. I really love birds/pets and could easily make a lifetime…